Thursday, 9 June 2011

From the Fridge Files #1

The fridge is full again! In celebration, here are some ideas and suggestions from your fellow Bluff Boxers for how to make use of that great produce you added to it today (and maybe take care of anything that's still kicking around from last week):

from Debby: "We had our first Bluff Box meal tonight and it was delicious. I asked you what I should do with the onions - well, I sauteed them in a little olive oil & butter, then added some par-boiled new potatoes and mushrooms.  The potatoes & mushrooms turned a golden brown and the onion was just the added touch.  A little salt and pepper made the dish complete.  I steamed a couple of the baby carrots then added some beet greens, turnip tops & baby spinach and served the veggies alongside bbq'd west coast salmon.  What a great meal."

from Josiane: "We both we really liked the turnips, although we don't usually buy them. We were surprised how juicy and refreshing it was. We simply ate them raw, as you suggested."

from Brynne: "Love the turnips personally. I just cut up the bunch of them and ate it dipped in a honey dijon dressing. I blanched the greens and served them without adding a thing. We all had fun wrapping the long leaves around our forks like spaghetti. As a note, when I freeze rhubarb I lay the cut chunks out on a cookie sheet and freeze them before bagging, it helps to prevent them from all sticking together in one huge clump."

from Karolien: "I found this delicious recipe for a radish soup: I didn't have enough radish greens for 4 cups, so I cooked a few radishes into the soup as well as using them for garnish. I also didn't use quite as much broth as asked for. It was soooo yummy!"
    Want to add your thoughts? All it takes is an e-mail...