Monday 14 May 2012

Ducks say: deadline day is May 18th

Time to get quackin'
All this sunshine is making wonderful things happen at Sea Bluff Farm: the soil is warming up and things are really growing! Given how busy it's getting on the farm, we need to get our ducks in order (literally and figuratively) so it's time for you to decide if you really want a Bluff Box starting in June.

If you are interested in weekly or biweekly a box of awesome produce (and we hope you are!), we need to hear from you by May 18th. Yes, Friday is the last day to get your name on the list for the best selection of fresh, organically grown produce straight outta Metchosin.

The first pick-up dates will be Wednesday, June 6th (Langford & Metchosin) and Thursday, June 7th (Fernwood) so we need to nail down our numbers before then so we know how much to harvest. E-mail us at