Wednesday 27 July 2011

Double Beet Day

We are excited to come to Fernwood!
Tomorrow is going to be DOUBLE BEET DAY*. You may not have heard but last week the golden beets we had anticipated loading you up with decided to stay in Metchosin (the nerve of them). So this week, everyone gets red beets *and* golden beets.  

Did you Know? One cup (250 mL) of cooked diced beets contains just 50 calories. Beets are also a good source of folacin and a source of Vitamin C and potassium!

The rest of the produce selection should include: Scallions, Kohlrabi, Potatoes, Spinach, Salad Greens, Turnips, and Rutabaga.

* In honour of the occasion, there will be cold borscht shots for all!